How to Hide an Empire

Life of Pedro Albizu Campos


Albizu was born out of wedlock to a local mestizo named Juliana Campos. His father, Don Alejandro Albizu Romero, was a wealthy Basque merchant who refused to acknowledge his dark-skinned son, so Albizu ran barefoot through the Barrio Tenerías of Ponce.

Juliana spent most days wandering through the streets of Ponce, talking to herself, and, oddly, burning garbage in their family hut. She took Albizu several times to the nearby Río Bucaná in order to drown them both, but family and friends interceded. Neighbors started calling her La Llorona (the Weeping Woman). One day, when Albizu was four years old, she tried to walk across the river and was carried out to sea.

For a four-year-old orphan, Albizu was remarkably carefree. He didn’t attend school until age twelve. His maternal aunt, Rosa Campos, adopted him, and for eight years he swam, fished, and threw mud balls in the same river that had carried his mother away. He stole coconut pies from La Panadería de Ponce and rigged the town bell to ring at 3 a.m. When he heard of a new sport called beísbol and that the Almendares Beísbol Club had trounced the US Infantry Regiment with a score of 32–18, Albizu learned everything he could about the game, cleared out a small field, and taught the local school kids to play. He made up half of the rules as he went along, but no one complained; this was his first lesson in leadership.

It was a lively, adventurous childhood, not unlike that of Tom Sawyer living with his Aunt Polly on the banks of the Mississippi River. Just like Polly, Aunt Rosa was a devout woman, and they walked several miles to the Catholic church every Sunday. She also made sure that even though Albizu’s clothes were hand-me-downs and a size too small, they were always clean and pressed.

Every morning, rising sleepily from his warm bed, Albizu found Aunt Rosa boiling eggs by the early morning light, his clothes hanging over a kitchen chair. Home from school, he found Rosa sewing and ironing, tending great brown pots on a little stove. She moved in clouds of steam like a humble god, disappearing and reappearing, smelling of warm cotton, sofrito sauce, and simmering rice and beans.

When Albizu entered the Percy Grammar School at the age of twelve, his classmates snickered at the overgrown first grader, but the tittering ended when he completed all eight grades in four and a half years. He graduated in two years from Ponce High School with a 96 percent average. He was the class valedictorian and captain of the debate team and received a scholarship to the University of Vermont.

— Excerpt from the book War Against All Puerto Ricans, by Nelson A. Denis.

The Pedro Albizu Campos Park in Machuelo Abajo, where he was born.

Map showing the location of Ponce and the Machuelo Abajo neighborhood.

"He grew up in Ponce, the center of the U.S. occupation. The locals there were “the most friendly souls in the world,” wrote a U.S. journalist—they were “delirious” with enthusiasm for the United States."

How to Hide an Empire

This timespace is inspired by the 7th chapter of the book How to Hide an Empire, by Daniel Immerwahr. It tells the life of Puerto Rican nationalist Pedro Albizu Campos in the context of other nationalist movements and U.S. interventions in Latin America.

Albizu Campos' trial
Scholarship to University of Vermont Transferred to Harvard Elected vice-president of the Cosmopolitan Club Elected president of the Cosmopolitan Club Admitted to Harvard Law School Communication: Porto Rico and the War Joins the Army Attempt to raise money to send him to Paris Journey to the mainland Returns to Harvard Law School Graduates from Harvard and returns to Puerto Rico Married Dr. Laura Meneses Joins the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Travels around Latin America Becomes president of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Defends the nationalist Luis Velasquez Runs for the Puerto Rican Senate Sugar cane strikes Barceloneta's Central Plazuela workers go on strike 1,200 workers from Central Coloso join the strike 8,000 workers join the Coloso strike Central Guánica goes on strike Peak of the strike Albizu Campos speaks to a crowd of 6,000 people Albizu Campos has a lunch with Colonel E. Francis Riggs The sugar strike is settled Río Piedras Massacre Our Political Status, by Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican Nationalism, an essay by Pedro Albizu Campos Assassination of Colonel Riggs First arrest Trial Ponce Massacre Albizu Campos is flown to a prison in Atlanta Released on probation Hospitalization at Columbus Hospital, New York US Congress authorizes Puerto Ricans to choose their own governor Returns to Puerto Rico The Nationalist Party is targeted by the FBI Puerto Rican flags were illegal Public Law 53 or "Gag Law" Vito Marcantonio speaks to the US Congress about Albizu Campos Speech: Pedro Albizu Campos speaks about the independence of Puerto Rico Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Revolts Attempt to assassinate president Harry Truman Crossfire at Albizu's home Second arrest Brass Tacks Speech at the Municipal Meeting in Lares Pardoned by Luis Muñoz Marín Attack on the United States House of Representatives Third arrest Luís Muñoz Marín talks about Albizu Campos in an interview Albizu Called House Attack "Heroism" Albizu y Campos Arrested for Link With Recent Shooting in Congress Suffered a stroke Death A recording of Pedro Albizu Campos is released